Every Once in a While

A sodden image once forgotten,

A song not sung for a while,

Moments of a rotten time;

Just another day that revives. 


Nostalgia dripping with cold dew,

Tears dry up so fast,

And today when the drizzle comes,

My conditioned body lies aghast. 


And so we take a dip –

Every once in a while,

Feel the thrust and grip,

Of warm hearts and vibes. 


Every now and then,

A rainbow we paint;

Fantastic though it may be,

The day ends with silly complaints.


A rare occasion, a blue moon day,

Reminds us that we are human,

Vulnerable as prey;

Nay, not an event of dismay! 


Choice lies at the edge,

Make a decision and leave your mark,

For a day will always come,

When you’ll again take a dip:

Once in a while.

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